So after we found out that little Baylor would be joining our family, I started to try to figure out what his nursery would look like. Because his room size and location has changed quite a bit, due to our moves, so has his theme (if you can even call it a theme) of his nursery.
It started out with a vintage owl inspiration, mostly after I saw the following pictures of a cute shower on Karas Party Ideas and purchased this cute bronze owl from Off the 5th( amazing deals on baby stuff).

I love most things vintage or rustic looking!

Love this Blue(Casey may have died if I included purple)
He is just so cute to me
Well, then I came back across LayBabyLay, and her amazing designs. I fell in love with this Professor Junior concept.
So, I loved this look mostly because of how manly it looks. I like boy nurseries that resemble little men, as far as fabrics colors, etc. This gave me the thought to run with the plaid and do a wintery inspired old fashioned hunting look. Well then I realized its not fall/winter all year long(even though I wish it was), so I could see myself being a little annoyed with this look in April.
But anyways I have stole a couple ideas from this look and it will be a professor Junior, manly, god inspired nursery. Especially considering that Baylor is such a huge blessing from God! I can't wait for it to be finished! That is all I can share as far as theme and look goes for now. Although, today I was sent two special additions to his room. The first one, is from Emily, who I had mentioned is also having a baby in the next few months. It's look isn't completely finished so I will have to share later. The next brings us back to the beginning of this post...
I bought the frames for this project looking more at shape than at color. So I spent many hours in Michaels, because of course I wanted to get 40% off each frame. Then, I had to sand them down and stain them the perfect color. I knew at some point I would need to find fabric for them, but that would have to wait until the rest of the fabric was a little more decided. Amanda, who is amazingly creative, recently got a silhouette machine. She was so sweet to make the Vinyl for each frame(she did a perfect job!) They arrived today and a few days ago I had finally decided on which fabric I would use, so here is the finished product of Baylor's Monogram above his crib.
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