Sunday, November 20, 2011


I haven't had my hair done since before my baby shower in July. Yes, horrible I know. This usually would not be so much of a problem, but the guy I went to in Texas went a bit blonder than I prefer. This gave me the idea to now go back to my natural color, or as close to it as possible.  I have always compared my natural color to Jennifer Anistons hair.  It isn't exactly the same, but it is the closest picture I can show to someone. I want to do a combo between these two colors of hers. Closer to the second picture.

When we go to Cincinnati in a little over a week I am getting my hair done by the lady who did my hair in high school. I worked at the hair  salon she worked at, and had been getting my hair done there since elementary school. I can't wait to see what it looks like. I am definitely ready for something new! I will post pictures after it is done!!